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limpstar Offline

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Beiträge: 1.464

23.05.2006 20:32
#441 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

nö das lied hab ich und das video brauch ich net... lol

Freddurst2006 Offline

Point Level 4

Beiträge: 347

24.05.2006 11:45
#442 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

Wenn das hier jemanden interessiert

ceck it:
Cowgirls From Hell

i jsut posted an unreleased rocker that we recorded during the RMV period. get your shit kickers on!!

one million.....>

1.000.000 of you have shared, expanded, embraced, understood, dove in, redefined, rediscovered, forgotten, forgiven, focused, and committed to being yourselves with extreme prejudice. i feel so grateful to be a part of this. i cannot believe i get to exprience this. so many different levels. so many different days. what was yesterday? more importantly, what is today? so much time lost on projecting. the thought of the future, which most of us label tomorrow, is nothing more than a projection. a mental image. a prediction? maybe we manifest our destiny. maybe we don't. fuck it fred.

one million people have listened to music on this space. thank you so much for sharing this with us. seriously. sincerely.

these boards**get a little hectic at times when personalities collide. we all see it and we want it to be somehwere else, but, unfortunately, sometimes it's right here fucking up the flow. what can we do? i say nothing. reacting is providing. why give away the ammo?

cowgirls trips me out a little bit. i mean, the way i said those lyrics feels odd to me. just a unique day where the journey took me into that tone. it was new. it was natural. but i feel like i am not listening to me. i remember every moment of it and feeling, not for a second, unlike myself, yet i am listening to myself now, knowing it's myself, thinking 'who is that?' so i guess that's why it never went on RMV. uh?

i started out listening to cowgirls from hell while i wrote this and now i am just finishing counterfeit. the beat box part at the end came on and i pictured that moment when john and i kept going on that part in the studio. we were at indigo ranch. ross robinson in the room. it was a sick moment.

over exposed


now that will be an interesting moment to remember. i can't beleive i postd that song. i so don't like it. the drums are ridonkulous though. that bad ass fucker can play those drums. oh well. i can't believe i am posting back to back either. must be close to a full moon or something. very interesting day for me. very interesting. if you didn't get to hear that song and are wondering what's up, don't worry about it. it was a knee jerk. next.

Wir Leben in ein total abgefuckten Welt.
Also hab dein Spass und mach das beste Draus!

limpstar Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 1.464

24.05.2006 12:49
#443 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

ich hatte bisher nur das instrumental vo cowgirls, das richtige lied find ich noch geil. masturbation hatte ich ja schon.

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

24.05.2006 13:01
#444 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

der track is lustig... so richtig cowboy mäßig... yehaaaaaaa^^

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

24.05.2006 14:09
#445 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

cowgirls ist wieder off

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

24.05.2006 14:35
#446 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

bei gibts den zum download... vllt will fred noch nen anderen uppen^^

Wez Borland Offline

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Beiträge: 2.244

24.05.2006 15:10
#447 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

wosn des zum ziehn?find da nix...oder post einfach ma n link^^
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

Freddurst2006 Offline

Point Level 4

Beiträge: 347

24.05.2006 15:41
#448 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

Kann mann auf thepollution garnicht übersehen!?finde den song voll geil irgedwie mal was anderes frage mich warum die nett aufs album gekommen sind?!
Wir Leben in ein total abgefuckten Welt.
Also hab dein Spass und mach das beste Draus!

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

24.05.2006 16:40
#449 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

@wez is bei den news... link posten geht nich... das macht man nich... is wie klauen... wegen bandwith und so weiter

Wez Borland Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.244

24.05.2006 16:50
#450 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

hab gedacht dass der im downloadbereich is aber thx
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

24.05.2006 17:55
#451 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

hastn also gefunden???

J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

24.05.2006 22:32
#452 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

finde den song qualitativ net so doll. find nicht das der auf rmv gemusst hätte.

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

24.05.2006 22:59
#453 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

ist wohl eher ein song für jungs.. mit cowboy style und so^^

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

25.05.2006 10:35
#454 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

hahahahahahahahahahha! mr hankey alias marcelo wurde von fred angeschnauzt hahahahahahahhaha

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

one or the other

hey marcelo, yeah you. the asshole/idiot that thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants with other peoples property. you stole my music and put it on your site even though you knew i didn't want it available right now. and you have taken the other songs i have released on myspace and decided that you can do whatever you want with them. well my friend, you better watch your ass. fan or no fan your actions are inappropriate for this family. my only hesitation in posting this is that you will only become more popular, but fuck it. at least you know that i do not think you are representing or respecting what we are about. get your act together or get lost.


limpstar Offline

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Beiträge: 1.464

25.05.2006 12:24
#455 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

fred hat noch mehr auf den mypsace gepostet. ich komm nicht so ganz draus...

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

25.05.2006 12:41
#456 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

ja den rest check ich auch nich so ganz:

Thursday, May 25, 2006

spread the news

respect. representing the family is respecting each others concerns and finding the boundary of compromise. my wishes were to address my concern for taking something off that i didn't feel so comfortable with and give you something else. and i so approached my day that way. yes someone somewhere will "spread the news", but probably not one of the close people you trust and spent extra time with because he seems to be the most true family members i have ever encountered. he understood where we were coming from and supported our decisions. he knew how i felt and it just gets to me when its your closest next store neighbor. fuck, life goes on and so does my love for the man. he is still my favorite motherfucker!! we are communicating here. this is productive!! i love true life. its ups and downs. i love the family having my mans back!! i love that shit so much!! iam grateful to be here with such true strong people. if everyone hated everyone who had beefs on here "amongst the family" then no one would be being true to themselves. pick yourself up and move forward. the only way we can communicate is here. ain't none of us talking on the phone or anything yet. this is all we've got. this is as close as it gets right now. right here on myspace. that's why i stand up for what i feel. and that's why i can continue to move forward with every day i am blessed with. i felt and said what i felt. i even felt like writing this entry and actually expressing myself again. this site opened me up in such an important time. if you're down , you're down. if we beef, we beef. life goes on. i didn't want that one floating around and i just made that decision too late in the game. it didn't hit me until i kept hearing it over and again. so maybe, i thought i wouldn't have heard it "in the circle". i am alive and on this broadband adventure just like you. we are all living in the same place. these songs are reasons to come here and be together. they are free to listen to and if you can download them from here then you can do as you please. even though no one cares about those values, i still do. i embrace the technology. my values remain constant. it boils down to respecting each other. wish things could've went down different, at the end of the day we are all family learning from each other. love fest. cowgirls vocals suck. they just fucking suck. dang. da da da dang.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

big ditto

that was so kind of you my man. you are a true family member. i forgive you as you have forgiven me. you are a solid stand up human being and i respect that so much. you are my hero. what a day. what a lesson. i will stay loyal to you forever as well because you also have saved my life. some serious love fest going on here. as the world turns......we all make mistakes. i will always have your back. thank you so much. i will never forget to prop armpit for staying true. never.

now let's get on to the next subject shall we.


americanalien Offline

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Beiträge: 5.011

25.05.2006 12:47
#457 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

seine news sind fürn arsch.und das mit marcelo=finde das nicht richtig sowas zu posten.ein star wenn so etwas sagt,kann er einen anderen menschen das leben schwer machen,da viele ja nur auf seinen star hören.
finde das nicht in ordnung.das kann er ihm privat schreiben

dom Offline

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Beiträge: 914

25.05.2006 16:23
#458 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

ich kapiers nich mehr.. is das sorry jetzt für marcello oder what?!? bischen überflüssig der ganze kram...

continue to be flying like an eagle to my destiny

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

26.05.2006 12:44
#459 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

ich denke er wollte nur testen, wie die community reagiert, wenn er sowas macht... sprich, ob sie 100% zu ihm stehen und ihm in den arsch kriechen oder nich... die fuck marcelo comments blieben allerdings aus... somit hat sie den test bestanden... ach vllt war er besoffen und sauer, weil marcelo cowgirls from hell gerippt hat... fred hasst den song und wollte nicht, dass er sich verbreitet... unnötig war es in beiden fällen

limpstar Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 1.464

26.05.2006 17:16
#460 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen Antworten

warum hasst er denn den song? der ist doch geil!

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