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J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

04.05.2005 08:00
News auf Antworten

moin moin ihr lieben. so hier mal ein thread in dem die neuesten schriftlichen "ergüsse" der band gepostet werden können. da wir alle mr. dursts schreibweise kennen, handelt es sich ja leider nicht oft um wirkliche news, aber trotzdem. ich mach mal gleich den anfang, weil ichs grad gelesen habe:

Tuesday, May 3rd
Today has been a long time coming
we would like to thank all of you who have gone out of your way to pick up The Unquestionable Truth Part 1 as well as any other previous LImp Bizkit music in the past.

our hearts and souls have made Limp Bizkit what it is today and we have truly lived every single second of this with you. regardless of the clouds that turn up we have realized without the rain there would be no growth. we are grateful full every single fucking thing that we have encountered along this journey. if not for the real lives of the members of limp we would not feel as if we even had anything to write music about. our music is a broad collection and an interpretation of these feelings.

let this one settle for a minute. it is not a first listen experience for most and we feel proud about that. it wasn't a first listen at all for me, but as the days continue TUTP1 has grown on me and is now making sense in ways i had never dreamed. we are all just channels for something more than we can comprehend at times. stepping back and getting perspective definitely helps to realize this.
do whatever u want, on every place, every time...(theodor roosevelt)

MaMa Offline

Beiträge: 118

04.05.2005 18:12
#2 RE:News auf Antworten

klingt ein bisschen wie "good bye"
aber nur ein bisschen!
hauptsache man hört Lebenszeichen
MOnate o. WOchen lang versucht man es allen recht zu machen und alles in den Griff zu bekommen, aber kaum glaubt man alles in der HAnd zu haben, spürt man, wie es Tropfen für Tropfen wieder beginnt zwischen den Fingern hindurch zu gleiten

MikeySmith Offline

Beiträge: 255

04.05.2005 22:36
#3 RE:News auf Antworten

na wollen wa ja mal nicht übertreibenobwohl bei wes dem sturkopf

dafu Offline

Beiträge: 7

05.05.2005 16:20
#4 RE:News auf Antworten

"Thursday, May 05, 2005
TUTP1 is an EP!! READ THIS......
the unquestionable truth part one is an EP and intended to cost the price of an EP. we have received word that a lot of retail stores are selling this EP at full cd price and we do not think it's fair. if you want to own the actual EP and can't find it in any retail store for the price of an EP we are very sorry and want you to know our intentions. the retail stores are told what price the artist/label wants the EP to be, but the actual decision on the price is made by the retailers. i hope you can get your hands on TUTP1 at a fair price in a retail store. if all else fails then go to iTunes ($6.93) or something similair. it's only half of the picture that way, but at least it's a fair price. fyi
Posted by: fred / 2:19 AM "

neue news von fred!
find ich wirklich nen sehr guten post!
Jedoch wird in sachen Preis der Cd wohl nichts ändern

MikeySmith Offline

Beiträge: 255

05.05.2005 18:58
#5 RE:News auf Antworten

den post hätte er genau so gut seien lassen können...will wissen was mit john ist und diesem sammy und nicht sonen quatsch...

J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

06.05.2005 00:03
#6 RE:News auf Antworten

also finde gut, dass er sowas postet. vor allem kann man mal wieder sehen das fred durchaus dazu fähig ist in verständlichen klaren sätzen zu schreiben, anstatt alles in schöne worte zu verpacken und zu umschreiben. so sollten seine posts immer sein, in der art wäre doch mal ein update in sachen john nicht schlecht, oder?
man muß ihm ja anrechnen, dass er sich zum verkaufspreis der cd äußert, denn im endeffekt kann es ihm doch egal sein, wieviel unsereins für die cd hinlegt, ist es der band aber nicht. so distanzieren sie sich zumindest von den gerüchten, dass es ne abzocke-masche von der band ist.
do whatever u want, on every place, every time...(theodor roosevelt)

MikeySmith Offline

Beiträge: 255

07.05.2005 00:15
#7 RE:News auf Antworten

und wieso wurde das jetzt wieder gelöscht?

J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

13.05.2005 11:40
#8 RE:News auf Antworten


Thursday, May 12, 2005
losing the baggage
we are so happy to be getting rid of so many of you who are baggage listeners that came along with this insane journey with bizkit. we salue you. get the fuck out of our lives and keep up the comments because it is fuel for more. we couldn't beg those whining and complaining enough to please not download, buy, or support anything limp bizkit ever does from here on out. it looks like it is working and thats what we want. we salute those who get it and have already wrote off those who do not. we leave message boards and comment areas up for a reason. the suckers should stop being suckers. it is too easy to feed you the bait. thank you for responding so quickly. the other who use the boards and comments to connect with others in common are well aware of what these things are for.

as for the 'touring',
we are waiting to tour until we have weeded out enough of the baggage. it is about connection, not affection. once te baggage has been filtered down enough we will be touring and rcking this new shit hard. tutp1 will have had a chance to be familair with you and we can play whatever we want from it and not think about popular and unpopular songs. we are looking forward to this. tutp2 is heavier that p1 so by then the baggage will be close to gone we hope. to all of you who will be there when we tour, this will be the best tour yet by far. and all of you in germany have something fucking amazing to look forward to as well. russia better watch out too.

enough already.

also wenn wer probleme hat, mach ich ne übersetzung. ist halt typisch fred..aussagen vermischt mit blumigen ausdrücken. aber der satz über deutschland und touren klingt gut. naja abwarten. kann morgen schon wieder anders aussehen. man weiß ja nie bei denen.
do whatever u want, on every place, every time...(theodor roosevelt)

RedCap Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 956

13.05.2005 13:37
#9 RE:News auf Antworten

jo das is doch schonmal schön wen das andrer album heavier wird und die tour in dtl doch noch kommt!
Fuck the System!

stay (sic)
(515) 742617000027

Eat the rich...

We fight But noone can fight us
We live and no one can stop us

MikeySmith Offline

Beiträge: 255

13.05.2005 16:18
#10 RE:News auf Antworten

hm naja kann man natürlich jetzt wieder alles so und so sehen...bisher hieß es bei jedem album es ist "heavy" und sein lieblingsalbum ändert sich komischer weiße auch von album zu albumkonnten die dann nicht ersmal die tour verschieben damit wir nicht extra neue tickets dann holen müssen?? wieso leicht wenn es auch schwer geht

J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

14.05.2005 11:46
#11 RE:News auf Antworten

Friday, May, 13th
we need to get involved with fixing life around us. specifics are a waste of time. there are so many things we can do. just start with one.
Posted by: fred / 10:07 AM

do whatever u want, on every place, every time...(theodor roosevelt)

keiner2 ( Gast )

14.05.2005 16:50
#12 RE:News auf Antworten

naja wo er recht hat, hat er recht... mit irgendwas muss man ja anfangen.. =)
Why have you forsaken me??

Trust in my self righteous suicide...

keiner2 ( Gast )

22.05.2005 14:00
#13 RE:News auf Antworten

Saturday, May 21, 2005
Thank You
thank you so much for the support and the patience. we are happy that those of you who have experienced TUTP1 have had a a chance to embrace it on your own terms and not have it shoved down your throats. being in a band that has been known like limp bizkit makes it hard to be "discovered" again, but we've tried to make it possible for those of you who have this time around. not many people on the business side of things seem to understand what it is we are doing and that is expected. not advertising the album or doing any promotions is not how record lables sell records and this method is not preferred in that world, but we had to do something for the core and for ourselves. if becoming or staying popular and regaining or even maintaining a position in the competitive world of music was an interest at this moment in our career then we would have done the things to make it so, but it was important to make an album that was because of our love for what we are about right now.

if limp bizkit can put an EP on the shelves and tell no one until it feels like it is time then we have accomplished something for ourselves. we are so grateful for our label to have been so supportive of limp bizkit through all of these years and we have helped each other out in many ways. the fact that they let limp put this EP out in the world without worrying about first week impact or the predictable things people worry about when they are playing the game is so supportive in a time like today. without them we would have never had the chance we had and/or the exposure. the retail stores and the labels work very hard to bring you the best in music and in the best most reliable ways possible. trust me when i say that they are the reasons artists have been able to reach out to the world and change lives forever. big props to those people who make this all happen.

on a personal level....... it feels amazing to be under the radar for a minute knowing that we have already been so blessed with everything we have experienced as limp bizkit and we look forward to what the days ahead are to bring. what a journey this has been. i am personally writing this to express how happy today feels.

truth is that nobody really wants to know what's up the same time they are all bummed when they feel left in the blue. go figure. i was born to express myself and as much as it's a problem sometimes i am also very aware that it is a blessing there are many who have problems worse than mine, to each their own.

as for the vibe of the sound of TUTP1, just turn the shit up and connect. we cannot make the same record twice and would never want to. growth is our only guide to finding out who we really are. at the end of the day doesn't it really boil down to the intention and honesty? that's when we really connect to something. the rest is icing.

saturday in LA......inspiring in the jimmy buffet type of way, COME MONDAY. take a listen to that song. you might understand what i mean. let's see where we go from here. there is a lot of music coming your way and we are excited about that.

thank you again to retail, geffen, and everyone who has practiced a lot of restraint to do things against the grain this time. it feels back to basics and that feels fucking good!!

jepp... endlich ma was vernünftiges... klare aussage..
Why have you forsaken me??

Trust in my self righteous suicide...

J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

22.05.2005 20:06
#14 RE:News auf Antworten

klingt als hätte er mal nen guten tag gehabt.
was allerdings der absatz :"saturday in L.A.....blaba" bedeuten soll schnall ich nicht so recht. aber das ist bei fred ja nix neues
do whatever u want, on every place, every time...(theodor roosevelt)

americanalien Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 5.011

22.07.2005 21:14
#15 RE:News auf Antworten

danke fred danke.endlich mal neue news

also sie arbeiten am neuen album und ein greatest hits kommt auch.also macht er alles,was er eigentlich vor 3 monaten nicht machen wollt,lol

keiner2 ( Gast )

22.07.2005 21:54
#16 RE:News auf Antworten

goil endlich ma news..
also und vor allem kann MAN VERSTEHEN WAS ER WILL lol...
single hat er nix gesacht; also war die umfrage fürn arsch.. ;) ^^
Why dont presidents fight the war?

Why do they always send the poor?


22.07.2005 23:19
#17 RE:News auf Antworten

habt ihr gelesen die wolln doch ein greatest hits album rausbringen (im herbst) und wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe nach tut2 ein komplettes "full length" album rausbringen soviel limp auf einmal geht ja schon fast gar nich^^

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

22.07.2005 23:21
#18 RE:News auf Antworten

öhm dat war ich sry der login hat net gefunzt
i did it all for the nOOkie

MikeySmith Offline

Beiträge: 255

23.07.2005 15:20
#19 RE:News auf Antworten

die sind echt peinlichkein bock mehr über diese schwachmaten zu labern

americanalien Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 5.011

23.07.2005 17:07
#20 RE:News auf Antworten

na ich bin ja mal gespannt

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