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Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

21.10.2006 14:28
#601 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

noch interessantes verwirrendes xD

das steht auf john's myspace

"About httpwwwmyspacecomottomatic
drummer for limp bizkit's personal music page....most music posted is his own...and is him on the mic.along with friends.....some drum things are occasionally is a different musical facet of john's life...."


J Offline

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Beiträge: 2.691

21.10.2006 16:47
#602 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

und wieder das große fragezeichen

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

21.10.2006 17:20
#603 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

man hat hier keiner englisch studiert??? armes deutschland *g*

Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

21.10.2006 17:44
#604 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

lol die wörter versteh ich xD aber was er damit meint nicht xD

dom Offline

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Beiträge: 914

22.10.2006 09:18
#605 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

Zitat von maRk
lol die wörter versteh ich xD aber was er damit meint nicht xD


continue to be flying like an eagle to my destiny

Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

22.10.2006 15:05
#606 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten
aaaaaha^^ jetzt versteh ich so einiger maßen das comment von john auf lb myspace. es gibt nämlich noch mehr xD unser john regt sich voll über nen user namens scott auf lol...ich hab mal alle zusammen gesucht:

Oct 19, 2006 5 : 30 PM
the songs on here are interludes,not our new record.....people who think these are clips of our new limp bizkit song's are just plain misguided and ignorant....after all the songs,in many different styles i might add,people think the creative fuck-around -interludes fred posts on here is actually the new bizkit record?where is the faith?when you here new bizkit songs you will know it...if you really understand this band.......thinking (saysomethingsayable)is a song on the new record is no faith-havin,not-understanding,stupid.......we are not fly by night musician's......this bullshit is unbelievable after touring for more than 12 people think we are an accident ?????......fuck out of here...;.i think im sick....----johnnyottomatic

Oct 19, 2006 5 : 53 PM
we will release our new shit when it is finished and able to be better and stand with the rest of our records that are great in our opinion......whether ya'll think it is our best music or not........i studied music all my life.....if i like it ....than that's what matter's........changeing....we cant play the same shit over and over like korn,deftones,or anybody else that think they are the real because they are underground ,and are scared to step outside themselves because their fans might think they are selling out?fuck ya' least we have always challenged ourselves and done song's because we wanted to....not because we would be a bigger band......who ever ain't with me,please forget me.....i would rather have fans that really believe than people tryin to play roles to try to get somewhere because of me....fuck ya'll hater ass bitches...the type bitches that won't even talk-shit to my think im playin?hidin infront of a computer?come holla at me....go to 7278 hollywood can feel my conviction,........yall think you hard when you 50 deep....fuck ya'll my 2 clips they hold 50 each......put your mouth where that cash at.....fuck ya'll---johnnyottomatic

Oct 19, 2006 6 : 07 PM
this page was meant 4 positive reinforcement and positive opinion's....not dont have a common notion about your negativity on your own site....spend time for that in your own name and intention ...not wasting the bulletin space provided here 4 people that are positive that can give us good energy.....----johnnyottomatic

Oct 19, 2006 6 : 46 PM
to scott-----just because you dont understand lyrics that are pieces of expression,and can't relate to these judge

Oct 19, 2006 7 : 52 PM
go ahead easy to walk away when you dont live it....i would whip your bitchass if i knew where you have no discipline,much dumber than a crackhead.....see me talk shit to me....i went to school with you know him?????ive made history in my time...what have you done?????you lucky i dont know where you just like trent reznor....all talk ..and no walk....fuck you little bitch....ive been to l.a.county jail....i would kill a little fuck like you....please dont ever listen to my band glad i lost a fake bitchfaggot friend like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 19, 2006 8 : 05 PM
fuck you i amnot even speaking to you but if you got a problem with mew than fuck you too.....

Oct 19, 2006 8 : 06 PM
i have every righty to say what i want....try to tell me what this is ....huh....kiss my ass bitchfucker

Oct 19, 2006 8 : 19 PM
i never dissed real fans on my comment...the only people who would be offended are fans that weren't really fans....i gave nothing but respect to limp's fans and my whole purpose was to squash the scott you little fucks that showd your true colors got offendfed and i wasnt even talkingh to i am .....fuck offff........go somewhere dare you try to insult me and cant even say shit to my face....fuckofff...bitchboyfucks....i hope you never here my music again...dont worry....i will have plenty of other people that are real and understand me &my band

Oct 20, 2006 3 : 51 AM
gimmethamic is tha is dick....these people are the ones i care about other people that are self-ritious and so quik to think you know all the answeres...shit is ridiculous....dont talk about the music industry like you got it figured are not even in dont know my deals or history...and on the real....its amazing what gimme the mic said,because i am fromarlington jacksonville....and my hood was mostly black,,,and my boi's will let be the one's that take racial comments to war.....look at my group redrock on my friends.....but somehow these instigators think and seem to knowmore than the people livin it....godbless the real ones...gimmethemic...dick....and everyone tryin to be positive with me and my band......i stand up for my it what you want....everybody seems to be perfect on the internet.....----johnnyottomatic....rep what i believe to my cant touch what you cant see....

Oct 20, 2006 5 : 05 AM
scott,everyone has different deals....i dont get paid by the drum company i a matter of fact i bought most of my sets from them,not free....contracts are different for every facet of industry its all different for all it is not like(murder)example you used...


name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

22.10.2006 15:25
#607 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

lol man muss aber auch beachten, dass johns account gehackt wurde... vllt hat sich derjenige ein bissl ausgetobt...

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

22.10.2006 15:30
#608 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

das kann auch sein.

Wez Borland Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.244

22.10.2006 16:00
#609 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

kurz und auf deutsch büdde xD
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

22.10.2006 16:06
#610 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

das sagt google zum ersten comment lol

die Liede an sind hier Zwischenspiele, nicht unsere neuen Aufzeichnung ..... Leute, die denken, daß diese sind Clips unseres neuen schwachen bizkit Lieds sind gerade normales irregeführt und unwissend….nach allen Lieden in vielen unterschiedlichen Arten, die ich addieren konnte, Leute, das kreative bumsen-um denken - Zwischenspiele fred Pfosten an ist hier wirklich die neue bizkit Aufzeichnung? wo ist der Glaube? nach dem Reisen für mehr, wann du hier neue bizkit Liede, die du kennst, es,…, wenn du wirklich verstehst dieses Band ....... das Denken (saysomethingsayable) ein Lied auf der neuen Aufzeichnung ist kein Glaube-havin, das nicht-Verstehen ist, dumm ....... wir sind nicht Fliege durch diesen Bullshit des Nachtmusikers ...... ist unglaublich als 12 Jahre ..... du Leute denkst, daß wir ein Unfall???? sind? ...... Bumsen aus hier heraus…; .i denken Kranken im….----johnnyottom

ich finds voll zum feiern^^

americanalien Offline

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Beiträge: 5.011

22.10.2006 17:27
#611 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

hahhahaha,freds pfosten haha
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name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

22.10.2006 17:44
#612 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

jo und beim 2. comment übersetzt er

fuck ya'll hater ass bitches mit Bumsen ya Willehater Esel meckert rofl

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

22.10.2006 21:14
#613 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

hahahahahahahhaa xD

J Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.691

22.10.2006 22:25
#614 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

soviel zum englisch studium..naja...warten wirs ab..nehmen wir mal alles mal wieder net so ernst was da gepostet wurde :-)

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

24.10.2006 13:01
#615 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten
10/23/2006 10 : 45 AM

to all that have been offended and not understood my points and take every word i say literally....---,i love my fans,i love korn,deftones,people who have helped me.....i know these people....most likely you donot....i am not angry,i am disappointed with overanylized thoughts that are negative and counter productive to the rest of the people on this site......that is apology to anyone who i offended---john

J Offline

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Beiträge: 2.691

24.10.2006 17:26
#616 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

na bitte...DAS versteht man wenigstens xD

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

24.10.2006 20:30
#617 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

da war er wohl mal nüchtern xD

Wez Borland Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.244

24.10.2006 20:30
#618 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

is auch ma besser so xD
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

limpstar Offline

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Beiträge: 1.464

24.10.2006 21:06
#619 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

lol naja aber ich versteht immer noch nicht genau, was er uns sagen will, ich hab zwar fast alles verstanden, aber ich sehe keinen sinn...

Wez Borland Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.244

25.10.2006 20:39
#620 RE: endlich wieder ein zeichen (News vom Myspace-blog) Antworten

guck ma monty pythons der sinn des lebens...da wirste schlauer xD peils aba au net xD
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

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