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Wez Borland Offline

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16.06.2006 23:31
paar neuigkeiten Antworten


Hiatus - Tue, 13 Jun 2006

New article from the web:

PAWTUCKET -- Fred Durst, former lead singer of rock band Limp Bizkit and now a movie director, was ecstatic as he came downstairs in the ornate To Kalon Club on Main Street at the edge of Route 95.

He'd just shot his first scene for the independent film The Education of Charlie Banks in a tiny room on the third floor, which was doubling as a college dorm room, and it had gone very well.

"We've got unbelievable footage already," he said on a high note as a small army of crew members ferried more equipment into the private club and up the long staircase. The stairs had been padded with plastic sheeting, the banisters wrapped in thick paper to avoid accidental nicks to the carved wood of the century-old building. At the end of a cramped third-floor hallway the movie camera was standing guard just outside the door, forcing anyone entering or exiting to do a sideways maneuver around it. A crane stationed in the driveway outside held a spotlight that flooded the room with natural-looking "sunlight."

Marisa Polvino, who is producing the film with partner Michael Corrente from an original screenplay by Peter Elkoff, said she and Durst have been preparing for this day for four weeks. This is the first feature film for Durst, who previously shot the short film The Truth With Evan Jealous, a movie he wrote, directed and starred in, although "no one has ever seen it," he said, "except for Marisa and Michael." But the public has seen his music videos, which he has been making for a decade, including "all of Limp Bizkit's videos, a couple for Staind, Puddle of Mudd's first videos, video for Korn and one with Elisha Blue.

The 35-year-old Durst, whose arms and upper back are covered with elaborate tattoos, is clearly branching out. In the meantime, he said, "Limp Bizkit is on hiatus. I like to keep it mysterious about whether it's finished or not. It's more fun not to be limited."

The Education of Charlie Banks is a coming-of-age story about the young man of the title who goes off to college believing he has left his past -- and a violent bully who he witnessed almost kill two teens -- far behind, only to discover the threatening Mick Leary has turned up on campus, on the lam and needing a place to hide out. The scenes being shot yesterday are set in Charlie's dorm room, where he finds Mick. Jesse Eisenberg, who was the older boy in the film The Squid and the Whale, is Charlie; Jason Ritter, son of the late actor John Ritter, is Mick, and Chris Marquette, seated on a chair with 2-inch-tall blocks under each leg to better bring him into the scene, is Charlie's longtime best friend and college roommate.

Across the hall in a tight little dark room with curtains blacking out the light and a lone fan circulating air except when a rehearsal or filming is under way, Durst and Polvino watch the action on a video monitor. Although Charlie Banks is being shot on 35mm film by a widescreen camera, a video camera attachment allows the director to instantaneously see how it will look on screen. The first rehearsal of the scene doesn't look good. Eisenberg moves in too close to Ritter and blocks his reactions. Durst calls for a mark to be placed on the floor so the next time around Eisenberg knows how close he can move in on Ritter.

Elkoff, who began writing the script in 2000 and has gone through "eight or 10 rewrites in the past six years," is also watching the action on the video monitor. He arrived for the first day of shooting and expects it to be his only day on the set. "I'm here to see the christening," he said with a smile. For a writer, being invited to observe on a movie set of a film he has written is a sometimes rare experience, although Elkoff, who is also the film's executive producer, has been working closely with Polvino and Corrente since they optioned his script six years ago. "Sometimes it becomes 'the director's vision,' " he said, "so I feel incredibly fortunate that I'm here and it's the same movie." He said that if last-minute rewrites are needed, he can do it via telephone or e-mail.

Corrente is producing the film with Polvino, but defers to her in most matters. "It's totally her baby," he said of Polvino, who has worked with him since his 1994 breakout movie, Federal Hill, was in production. He does allow, however, that the budget "has been bandied about in the $4-million to $5-million range," adding that the crew "of about 50 is an all-union crew."

It may be Durst's first feature, but he said confidently, "I'm feeling extremely prepared." He had four weeks of preparation and several hours of rehearsal time with his cast, which includes Eva (pronounced Eh-vuh) Amurri, a Brown University student who is Susan Sarandon's daughter. "In music videos I don't remember ever having more than two days of preparation."

Because the film is being independently financed, Polvino said, "We had the luxury to cast every actor who was perfect for the role, not just a marquee name." She said, for instance, said that when Amurri "came into the room, she blew everyone else away." Durst added, "She wasn't the obvious choice. She was not the token blond hot girl in the room."

Polvino views the script as "really strong, but not campy like American Pie. There's a lot of depth to it, more like Dead Poets Society, that will give the audience an opportunity to see kids who are intelligent."

She expects that the company will be filming at this site for three more days and then it's on to the Athenaeum in Providence for some library shots. Durst added that because fictional Ashby College is supposed to be "nestled away," they'll shoot establishing shots at St. George's School in Middletown, then use Brown University's Quad for much of the exterior action. It's a site, Polvino said, they got to use because of intervention by Steven Feinberg, of the Rhode Island Film and TV Office, and Providence Mayor David Cicilline.

She added that the recently enacted state tax credit for film productions "is one of the reasons everyone is flocking here." Besides The Education of Charlie Banks, Disney's Underdog has been filming around Providence since early April and the independent film Normal Adolescent Behavior went before the camera in Wickford last week. "If not here, then we'd be shooting in New York, because the script is set at Vassar."

At this point one of the crew members announces that they had to remove the door to the "dorm room" they were shooting in to allow Eisenberg to make an easier entrance.

Polvino said that the film begins in 1972 in New York City, then jumps to 1978 and then to 1981, when most of it takes place. After about six weeks of filming in Rhode Island, she said, the crew will move at the end of July to New York for a few days of wrap-up shots.

What the hell Fred?

It's All About Bullshit - Fri, 16 Jun 2006

If you guys are a little bit scared what Fred said in the last interview, you should read that reply which Gabe made to one of fans - TiNkLeR PT:

the interviewer fucked the article up, just like every other dumbass who has ever interviewed fred or limp. the guy was about 65 years old from the local providence news paper & doing an article on fred, and doesn't know, understand or get anything about fred, limp, or anything dealing with movies or music. we are working here on providence, normally 16 hours days....and thats why we havent been on myspace. It's very hard to logg on after working so hard in one day. I woke up at 6am this morning to go on set, and now its 12:13am and i just got home. I have no idea why i'm even logged on, expecially since im so tired, You are the only person im replying to tonight. Limp is fine and new music is on its way. Don't believe everything you read....especially when someone else writes it. just like that interview....

when this movie is over, and these long fucking days are done, TUT2 will be heard.

Finally someone said it : Don't believe everything you read....especially when someone else writes it.
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

Lex Offline

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23.12.2006 12:28
#2 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

ein kurzes Video mit Fred...- keine wirklichen News...

Quelle: ThePollution.Net

Fred With Lohan... - Fri, 22 Dec 2006
The following was posted on

"Fred Durst (remember him?) seems to be riding the Lohan train for whatever crumbs of fame he can hold onto. All aboard!

The former rock star was seen driving away from the trendy Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood on Thursday, bragging about having a good time with Lindsay, when his remaining female fan strolled up to his car window saying, "You're so cute." At least someone thinks so.

Before pulling away, Durst let the fan know he was having "after hours tonight at my house." While Lindsay can be seen leaving the hotel, it's unknown if she wound up at Casa Durst, checking out his Limp Bizkit, er, CDs."

-Independent- Offline

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23.12.2006 13:16
#3 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

Toll nicht wirklich was neues oder ?Also langsam habe ich die schauze voll von dem typen naja !

J Offline

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23.12.2006 13:27
#4 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

diese lohan könnt seine tochter sein

limpstar Offline

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23.12.2006 20:01
#5 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

kann das mal jemand ein bisschen zusammen fassen alles was da gesagt wurde?

americanalien Offline

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24.12.2006 14:37
#6 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

ich bin mal gespannt,ob lb und frohe weihnachten wünscht und einen gesundes neues jahr
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Lex Offline

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24.12.2006 15:00
#7 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

glaub' ich jetz' net, dass Fred uns Frohe Weihnachten wünscht. und 'n guten Rutsch erst recht net....

dom Offline

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24.12.2006 16:21
#8 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

denk ich auch nicht... schade!!!

continue to be flying like an eagle to my destiny

fred15 Offline

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24.12.2006 16:46
#9 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

er wird ja bestimmt selbst feiern mit dallas und vielleicht ja in jacksonville bei seinen eltern


Lex Offline

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24.12.2006 17:01
#10 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

statt Fred wünscht uns Gabe Frohe Weihnachten...

das schreibt er bei seinem myspace-Blog:

in the festive spirit

Merry Christmas everybody........and "Merry Xmas" to those who are super Metal and wear all black in the middle of summer & only celebrate "xmas"

I know I often post vague things, but that's the type of person I am, mysterious and sometimes secretive. But I will post a lengthy one 2nite, since it has been a good ending in LA before going out of town, and more so.....because it's Christmas. Since i don't say much, I figured I will do an official Myspace blog entry, giving a little insight to my life right now.

It's 10am, officially christmas eve. I leave tomorrow, or technically today the 24th, on a red eye to jax, FL. I lay here in bed at Fred's pad tired but happy, I've had a lot of great days & even better nights the past 3 weeks I have been in LA. Went out the night fred got home from "Play Dead" with fred, lethal, donut, dean del ray, & the mighty Liam Ward. Lots of laughs and fun times. I just got home from meeting up at Cafe 101 with John. It was great & special to see him again before going out of town. Earlier this week our good friend Donut took Lethal and I to the Guns N Roses show for Lee's Bday. That was a great night as well. Fred was gona roll with us but ended up having Dallas that night so as a good dad would do, he stayed home with his mini me,..... double D. We met with Yeti, Chris & JR (limp crew now w/GNR) before & after the GNR show. It was dope to see them again since it's been so long since the last time. I also exchanged a nice christmas text with Wes earlier tonight which made me smile. After wishing each other a merry christmas, he asked me "what color is Darth Sideous's crap? Two seconds to answer.",.....which made me laugh. I answered "Red". But Wes may be the only one on earth who knows the correct answer. I talk to Sam every other day and am stoked I get to hang with him & Geoff Head when I land in Jax. Sam, Geoff, & I plan on spending new years with our respected ladies in South Carolina for our good friend Jasin's (like a brother to me just like limp) band Shinedown new years eve show. Our boys in Indorphine will be opening up. I'm going to go to bed now & hang with fred in the morning, then meet with john and try and drag John with me to my friend Colleen & Sonny Mayo's house for a xmas eve get together before catching my flight.

Aside from all that, I hear what everyone is saying and realize how bad everyone wants an update. And I read how upset some people get about no band member making a post or blog. Can we all admit how spoiled we have become on this intimate cyber communication we have been able to have with the guys? I'm a fan just like everyone else & I'm spoiled for being to close to the guys & everyone else is spoiled from getting personal blog entries and then taking it personal when they don't get one after a day, week, or month (s). I've done some research on other popular bands pages and not too may give personal updates like our guys have. Most other bands pages are obvious that it's all typed up advertising by someone from management or the label, With an occasional band member blog from many moons ago. One band I even saw was 2005 from a band member. Way longer than one short month. (example....Nov.) All I'm saying is give the guys a break. Things will happen when they happen. I never was able to bitch at all the bands I was a fan of whenever I didn't know what was going on with them. Sending a letter to the fan-club didn't quite matter. Let's let people live & breathe and realize everyone has their own life to lead.
it's not our place to tell someone when they need to do something, or by what date something needs to be complete. Or why they are assholes for not logging onto a website when we have no clue as to what that reason may be. No need to be negative, nothing is meant to be taken personal here. Music is an outlet and an escape....., and I believe that those who bring us music delve deep in themselves to make it.

Much love to everyone, happy holidays and happy new year in case I don't log in before then. As we all know.....there is no law or condemning sin for not logging into myspace on a daily basis. :)

One more day in LA whenever I wake up, .... after that maybe we will run into each other in Jax, or new years eve in South Carolina.... Myrtle Bitch with Sam-bone & Geoff.

Be safe everyone........


also Fred feiert mit seinem Sohn ''Double D'' Weihnachten...
wie fred15 ja schon sagte...

full nelson Offline

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25.12.2006 12:12
#11 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

cool von gabe!
les ich das richtig das fred UND lee in diesem film mitspielen?

americanalien Offline

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25.12.2006 12:45
#12 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

fred hätte uns ja auch weihnachten wünschen können
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Mark Offline

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25.12.2006 14:52
#13 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

vorallem weil er immer von FAMILY redet! family am arsch xD

J Offline

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25.12.2006 15:02
#14 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

na danke mal wieder nix von fred...

fred15 Offline

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25.12.2006 15:33
#15 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten
ihr heulsusen xD


Ralfiboy Offline

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25.12.2006 20:35
#16 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

fred hat auch ein leben also lasst ihn doch seine zeit. ich will eh keine news mehr von ihm man weis ja nich obs stimmt. deswegen will ich mukke haben und da kann er sich auch zeit lassen wenns dann umso besser wird.

J Offline

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27.12.2006 10:39
#17 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

ein frohe weihnachten kostet ihm nicht mal 5minuten, wenn ers als post bei myspace z.B. reinstellt. soviel zum thema "zeitaufwand"

limpstar Offline

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27.12.2006 18:54
#18 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

scheiss auf fred durst

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

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27.12.2006 23:10
#19 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten

mir würde jetzt kein promi einfallen, der seinen fans frohe weihnachten wünscht... höchstens von einem offiziellen webseiten team mit sonem erstellten banner, womit der promi selbst nix mit am hut hat... was solls... ich will tut2 und keine weihnachtswünsche...

ich meine als fred irgendwas gepostet hat und seine gedanken mit uns geteilt hat hieß es er sollte sowas nich machen... jetzt lässt er es weg irgendwelches zeugs zu posten und es ist immer noch falsch... wenn es halt nix um tut2 zu berichten gibt, dann gibt es halt nix... und hat er jemals frohe weihnachten gepostet??? 1999 vllt.? oder 2003??? klärt mich auf ich hatte damals kein internet

-Independent- Offline

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28.12.2006 11:48
#20 RE: paar neuigkeiten Antworten
Doch das hat er mal ist aber schon etwas her !Aber er postet ja wirklich fast garnix mehr!

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