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J Offline

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24.11.2005 20:05
Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

"The Truth, according to Fred — by Corey Moss"

Fred Durst's passions are on full display in the mostly black-and-white pictures that line the walls of his Hollywood home: Nirvana, David Fincher movies and his handsome son, Dallas. The dinning room and den have been converted into recording studios, and the driveway is covered with a half-pipe, on which the Limp Bizkit frontman was skating when MTV News arrived.

At the start of the year, Durst wrote on his blog that he was done with the media and broke his promise only once, in February, when he agreed to discuss a new band on his Flawless Records with MTV, but then addressed guitarist Wes Borland's return, his just-leaked sex tape and other topics. This time, Durst said, his record label is making him do an interview to promote Limp Bizkit's Greatest Hitz, an album he was reluctant to release. Clearly, though, he once again had other things on his mind.

MTV: As much as this Greatest Hitz record was forced upon you, did you at least enjoy compiling it, reliving some of those memories?

Fred Durst: When you reminisce aren't the times that someone's forcing you to reminisce. You reminisce other times in your life. ... You know, it's cool that there's another record coming out, but I'd rather it be new material.

MTV: Do you regret not promoting The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) more?

Durst: No. When Wes came back to Limp Bizkit, we really wanted to do something different. We wanted to make a core record that we didn't care who liked or who disliked. We got into the studio and started on a tangent of one vibe and we wanted to have an EP out there that wasn't marketed or pushed and wasn't manipulated by the media, wasn't put out there for review and just no preconceived notions of what's gonna happen, like Jar of Flies was for Alice in Chains. I love finding EPs for bands that you just discover. So we made that for a reason. ... We didn't let anybody in on it from the label, and we released it without any marketing or any awareness except for the Internet. ... We felt really good about it and we're happy it didn't do a lot of units. We're happy only core people picked it up and cared about it.

MTV: The title implies there's a Part 2 coming.

Durst: Part 2 is nothing like part one. Just know at another moment there'll be another EP that's completely against the grain, and us doing that lets us feel like human beings. Because in this world, at the record companies, [you] have these obligations on your record deal to do five, six, seven albums, and that includes the greatest-hits and different types of things. It doesn't include EPs, it doesn't include cool stuff and eclectic things. These are just things you can think of along the way. I think doing that EP let us feel like we weren't being thrown out there as bait for any old Limp Bizkit fans or new ones to come, just for anybody out there to see a flashy ad or a cool commercial or hear a catchy song. ... So there's gonna be a Part 2, we just have reevaluated how we're approaching the market out there. Are we a band that makes music because we want to, or are we a band that makes music because people expect it? Or do you have to go fulfill your obligation for all the money the record label let you borrow and you gotta go sell records to pay them back? Or can you be a little bit of both, be respectful and stand true to your obligations at the same time you're staying true to yourself? That's the balance, and that's where we're at now, and that's why Limp Bizkit doesn't seem the same to a lot of people out there and it's not all in their faces, because I think it just feels better to do it for the right reasons.

MTV: You communicate with your fans through sometimes cryptic posts on your blog. A lot of readers seem to think you're holding something back.

Durst: My Web site, everything I write in there is from me. Sometimes I feel like I used to be a person that liked to express himself a lot and put my feelings out there. I just am that type of person, and then through a lot of the badgering and all the bullsh-- that success and fame brings along made me close up a little bit and stop expressing so much. ... It just made me kind of gun-shy. So whenever I reach out I'm definitely being sincere, and whatever I write on the Web site is a reflection of anything that's going on in my life, without giving specific details — because the Limp Bizkit reality show has been on for 10 years And it's just not on right now. We're watching "Breaking Bonaduce." [He laughs.]

MTV: After you post a message, you literally get hundreds of responses. Do you read them all?

Durst: I definitely read all the comments and listen to everyone's opinions, and there's a lot of 'em, and I think that's what's cool about Limp Bizkit. We fit into a place where people who didn't usually get to be heard for their opinions or what makes them happy or what makes them feel complete, we were able to be a band to let those people be a little bit louder.

MTV: A lot of the responses to your postings say things like, "We know you're hated, but we love you." What do you think is the most common perception of Fred Durst?

Durst: Anybody that approaches you and says, "Hey, man, I don't care what people say out there, man, I'm a fan" ... it's just not something you say to somebody. You don't go up to your mother, "Mom, I know you used to be very beautiful, and you're old and wrinkled and everything now, but you're cool to me, I think you're great, I love you." People don't talk to their mother like that. You just don't talk to people like that. ... I think I've lost my perspective. I used to care in the beginning 'cause I didn't understand why. I was told one day by someone in Germany, "Man, don't you know?" He's like, "Nobody [in the industry] wanted rock or metal in the first place, and nobody sure as hell wanted hip-hop at all. And then when you guys came and the core of what your vibe and energy that was resonating with people is hip-hop and rock and metal mixed together. We don't know if you're a breakdancer or a graffiti artist, a tattoo artist, a rapper, a skateboarder. These are everyone's worst nightmares that are running the business right now. You're about to be one the most hated people in the world. Good luck, and thank you for pioneering something special." I think it didn't resonate with me until just recently, a few years ago. It's pretty cool. I think we did something and we did something big, and you can't ever take it away now. As much as you want to, the records are sold, the tours have been toured. ... We've done it all, and there's nothing you can do about it."

You can find the article and some videos here.

[ source :
....i just wanna make u scream...

Wez Borland Offline

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24.11.2005 20:11
#2 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen
ich versteh ma wieda gar nix.d.h. ich drucks aus und nimm n wörterbuch...und j danke fürs interview du bist ne heldin ;)
now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

24.11.2005 20:16
#3 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

interessantes interview ...hab einiges verstanden...einiges auch nicht
limpbizkit is my life

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

25.11.2005 17:44
#4 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

es ging wieder mal um das greatest hits das fred nich so doll unterstützt...
ausserdem is er stolz auf tut1 weil es keine fremdeinflüsse hat und weil es eine art untergrund album für ware fans war/ist...
zu tut2 sagt er dass es wieder diese ohrwürmer songs haben wird und deshalb ganz anders is als tut1... fred begründet dies mit der aussage dass musik als band zu machen aus 2 gründen besteht.

1. einfach weil man spass daran hat und es liebt musik zu machen
2. weil die fans dann auch erwarten dass man weiter musik macht.

sprich druck is immer dabei aba den braucht der mensch ja bekannterweise...
so das war das wichtigste aus dem interview
a tribute to f.durst + limp bizkit

RedCap Offline

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Beiträge: 956

25.11.2005 18:02
#5 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

jo und er hat sich im grossen und ganzen sehr positiv über seine fans geäusert,wir interessieren ihn also doch...

Fuck the System!

Left Behind 100% Fuckin' Metal!

J Offline

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Beiträge: 2.691

26.11.2005 14:28
#6 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

die letzten sätze find ich aber bißchen komisch.."die platten sind verkauft, die touren sind gespielt..mehr gibs nicht zu tun.." mmhhh
....i just wanna make u scream...

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

26.11.2005 18:43
#7 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

naja er meint vllt auch das niemand trotz all dem hass ihm das wegnehmen kann was lb schon erreicht hat...
a tribute to f.durst + limp bizkit

RedCap Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 956

27.11.2005 12:07
#8 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

hätt ich jetzt auch so interpretiert...
ogott fred redet wie eine deutsche lektüre ^^

Fuck the System!

Left Behind 100% Fuckin' Metal!

keiner2 ( Gast )

29.11.2005 22:48
#9 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

vielleicht bezihet er sich auch auf seine plattenfirma.. was wollen sie denn?noch mehr kohle? kann man nich einfach gute Musik machen ohne dass es gleich immer zum Megageschäft wird?
But in the long run you'll be the one
Regretting it.. maybe you wont ..

Maybe you will.. but baby you r still
about as real as a 3$ - bill

name may vary Offline

Point Level 8

Beiträge: 1.530

30.11.2005 19:09
#10 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
vielleicht bezihet er sich auch auf seine plattenfirma.. was wollen sie denn?noch mehr kohle? kann man nich einfach gute Musik machen ohne dass es gleich immer zum Megageschäft wird?

nein heute nicht mehr
a tribute to f.durst + limp bizkit

keiner2 ( Gast )

30.11.2005 19:45
#11 RE: Again MTV Interview with Fred Thread geschlossen

hmm .. das war eine retorische Frage.. danach muss dramatische Ruhe im Forum herrschen... du darfst darauf keine Antwort geben.. nicht so direkt zumindest... du bist gööööömeeeeeiiiiin!! bäh!
(nächstes mal schreibe ich es dazu)

But in the long run you'll be the one
Regretting it.. maybe you wont ..

Maybe you will.. but baby you r still
about as real as a 3$ - bill

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