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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
und wurde 232 mal aufgerufen
Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

30.11.2008 00:00
Saturdayz Antworten

Hello LBF-

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you know how grateful we are for YOU.

It's funny going through some of these emails and comments. Madness and true loyalty. Some of the soliciting stuff os kind of obnoxious. If you want someone to hear you they will without it being beaten over their heads. I actually NEVER check out anyones site/band/page when they over saturate our lives with belligerent amounts of self marketing. I tend to become curious when people has grace and elegance in their approach, but that's just me.

I am LOVING the amount of hits we are getting each day. The more the number rises the more we know that it is time to make a difference for YOU.

I would also like your opinions on what songs you would like to have on our player for your pleasure. Maybe give us your top 5 songs in order of importance to you.

ALSO- we would like to know what your LB Christmas list would look like- maybe a set list in the order you would want, new LB merchandise, Wes rejoining the band, etc. Participate if you like. I am just curious.

And why can't this thing have a huge IM chat for us all to talk? If it does would someone please tell me how to do it. I want to chat with all of you.

Have a funky Saturday LBF.


Wez Borland Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 2.244

30.11.2008 11:34
#2 RE: Saturdayz Antworten

WES REJOINING!!!!!!!!:D endlich mal ein beitrag den ich gut finde..also generell!

now the payback`s a bitch
why owe your life to a bitch

americanalien Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 5.011

01.12.2008 08:46
#3 RE: Saturdayz Antworten

also ich blick garnicht mehr durch,,,lol

-Independent- Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 1.046

01.12.2008 11:39
#4 RE: Saturdayz Antworten

Wie geil ist das denn !Habe echt nicht mehr damit gerechnet aber jetzt scheint es richtig los zu gehen!Vor allem wenn fred bei den jungs im studio ankommt !Will mal nen song hören fred hat doch gesagt das er vlt ein uppen will!

americanalien Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 5.011

02.12.2008 08:26
#5 RE: Saturdayz Antworten

sind wirklich gute news,aber ich bleib trotzdem vorerst vorsichtig.
mal schauen,wie sich das ganze entwickelt

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