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Dieses Thema hat 11 Antworten
und wurde 328 mal aufgerufen
Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

02.11.2008 21:24
Recording Session Update Antworten
Sam: "Sorry we're off to a slow start, But our jags lost today. John and I are starting to pack up the drums to head to the studio tomorrow. Monday we will be setting up for pre production in the studio. We are very excited to start the next chapter of Limp Bizkit. We will keep on posting pics as much as possible. Here are just a few of today's progress. It's not much, but this is just the start. We will be keeping you guys very informed through the whole progression of the record. We love you all!"

(Alle Bilder und Texte sind von entnommen.)
Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

02.11.2008 21:25
#2 RE: Recording Session Antworten

Sam: "What's up, We're now getting settled in to the studio and we are starting to get busier. So we(Limp Bizkit) have decided that this Friday, We will be informing you guys every Friday with official updates. They may be blogs, pics, videos or all. Every band member will be posting in due time. This will be a long process but we want to share this with all you guys. As far as the questions about TUT2, I can honestly not answer that right now but that's not to say it won't come out. We are right now happy to be getting things going once again. I know it's been a long wait, but this is just the beginning. I hope you guys are all behind us. We love you and thanks for supporting us! Limp Bizkit family forever. Sam."

(Alle Bilder und Texte sind von entnommen.)

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

02.11.2008 21:25
#3 RE: Recording Session Antworten

John: "Happy Halloween! This is your first Friday update. I just got done on Thursday recording some drums for my boy diabolic, and Sam and I and "??T" have been jamming all week. Here are a couple of pics for everyone to check out. See you next Friday. We love you guys. John."

(Alle Bilder und Texte sind von entnommen.)

Lex Offline

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Beiträge: 1.180

03.11.2008 14:37
#4 RE: Recording Session Antworten

Gabe hat auf myspace auch ein Bild von Sam gepostet.Rehearsals 08.Jax, FL 11/02/08

Jax, FL 11/02/08

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

08.11.2008 12:30
#5 RE: Recording Session Antworten

Sam: "Hello everybody,

Just stopping in to give you guys some pics. We've been working in the studio almost everyday this week and everything is going great. Although we did find some time to have some fun this week. We are very excited that Lee and Fred will be joining us very soon. John and I will keep you guys informed the best we can. We appreciate all your support and we love you all!!!


"Everyone please say a prayer for Chi!!!!!!! He is one of the best bass players and a very great person!!! Our prayers go out to his family,friends and band!"

J Offline

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Beiträge: 2.691

08.11.2008 13:36
#6 RE: Recording Session Antworten

boaah mal wieder paar tage net online und dann sowas...ich hoffe ich sehe LB nocheinmal LIVE :o)

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

15.11.2008 17:30
#7 RE: Recording Session Antworten
John: "What up everyone. Otto here with your weekly update. We have had a great week, Sam and I are locked in sync and ready for the rest of the band to come out. Things just keep getting better and better here. Everything is very exciting right now, So keep checking TAP for these updates. We're having Technical difficulties with our photos this evening, so no pics today but we will have some very interesting photos for you guys next week. We Love you all, Limp Bizkit Family Forever!!! God Bless..."
Lex Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 1.180

17.11.2008 21:10
#8 RE: Recording Session Antworten

unglaublich dass es so weit gekommen ist
Limp Bizkit REUNITED, die zweite
wär hätt's gedacht^^
dran geglaubt hab' ich eigentlich immer.

Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

22.11.2008 11:50
#9 RE: Recording Session Antworten

Sam: "Hey What's up, Sam here.

We're giving you your first video clip of John and I jamming. Sorry it took so long, we've been in the studio all day. So here is some never before seen footage. Not every update is gonna have video footage or pictures, But something amazing is coming very soon. We Love you guys! Going to sleep now, Talk to you guys soon...
Limp Bizkit family forever.....

"P.S We met up with the people from The cattyshack which is a wildlife sanctuary here in Jacksonville. That helps abused and rehabilitated big cats that need a home. The cattyshack ranch is doing a very good thing for less fortunate animals. They where also kind enough to let us take some photos with some of the animals. Check them out whenever you can....."

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Lex Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 1.180

25.11.2008 00:23
#10 RE: Recording Session Antworten


Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

06.12.2008 15:42
#11 RE: Recording Session Antworten
John: "Yo what's up's. We have been rehearsing all week, not much to post other then we love you guys very much. We are committed to practicing and it takes up a lot of our time. We'll try to have something more interesting for you guys next week. We Love you all!!! Limp Bizkit Family Forever!!!
Have a great weekend....

God Bless,
Mark Offline

Bilder Upload

Beiträge: 4.043

13.12.2008 12:41
#12 RE: Recording Session Antworten

Sam: "Hey, Sam here. Just wanted to stop by and say we've had technical difficulties this week in my studio. In the next few days we should have something pretty cool for you guys. Things are going great right now, but sometimes computers can have a mind of their own. Sorry for the delay, but we love you guys. Just know something's coming soon."

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