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Dieses Thema hat 5 Antworten
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J Offline

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11.10.2006 12:29
Gespräch mit John (Echtheit fraglich) Antworten

I think you gonna like what i'm going to post here. It's a conversation between me and John from myspace. Here's the best part:

JohnnyOttomatic: yeah everythings going as good as it can,we are trying to get thru the battle of innovating our sound with out alienating our fans,its harder than it seems
ThePollutionNET: muah good one
JohnnyOttomatic: what kind of sound do you expect to hear from us?
ThePollutionNET: something between hard tut1 riffs and vocals from three dollar bill y'all era
ThePollutionNET: it's just have to be limp bizkit
JohnnyOttomatic: yeah,we have songs that are from tut1 ,that we planned to put out for tut2,we didnt put them on tut1 on purpose,i was going thru them the other day,and they are pretty awesome....but now the battle is
JohnnyOttomatic: write more songs plus finnish vocals on stuff that is old to us but would be new to everyone else
JohnnyOttomatic: but that shit is phat!!!!i forgot how dope that shit is!!!!
ThePollutionNET: you're getting me excited even more ;]
JohnnyOttomatic: good,im kinda getting myself excited too!
ThePollutionNET: haha, nice one ... how do u think, how much better tut2 will be than tut1 ?
ThePollutionNET: in your opinion ...
JohnnyOttomatic: i cant give you my opinion on it until its finished,but,i am more proactive in this record effort than tut1 and i will tell you it will be way better if its the last thing i
do on this earth
ThePollutionNET: got it
ThePollutionNET: oh and i just always wanted you guys to ask about sanitarium cover, any chance to make a studio version of it ? maybe you guys thought about it
somewhere in thepast
ThePollutionNET: mtv icon was outstanding with lb performance
JohnnyOttomatic: thank you ,we have it recorded when we were doing rmv,but trying to find would be a difficult process,we have two safes with our hard drives and reels and dats, and finding that would be a two day eve
JohnnyOttomatic: i meant to say event
ThePollutionNET: wow cool
ThePollutionNET: keep in mind that everyone are curious about that cover, also about pollution recall which was leaked some time ago as instrumental
ThePollutionNET: it looks like you guys have a lot of songs to release
JohnnyOttomatic: we wouldnt release that cover anyway because it was a tribute to metallica,and we played it everyday when we wee on tour with should just be left like that
JohnnyOttomatic: what do you think of my songs?
ThePollutionNET: this song is too good to be left like that,believe me
ThePollutionNET: as always, ace !
ThePollutionNET: i have them all on my hdd, listening to them from time to time when i get up early
ThePollutionNET: and still looking forward for more
JohnnyOttomatic: thanks,to respond to your previuos comment,its not an lb song,we did make it our own style,but we have our own new songs that i think will blow you away....
ThePollutionNET: i think in the same way man
ThePollutionNET: maybe you gonna put some on myspace in near future
JohnnyOttomatic: i gotta go now,i might release on my page a jam of me sam,and wes playing live in lethals studio that noones heard,we never did anything with it.i might put it up...its live which is cool,its also 2 y
ThePollutionNET: yeah !!!
ThePollutionNET: would be awesome
ThePollutionNET: thanks for nice conversation man
JohnnyOttomatic: later your welcome---john
ThePollutionNET: later

hab ich bei TAP gefunden, einer von hat sich mit john angeblich via myspace geschrieben.leset selbst :-)

Freddurst2006 Offline

Point Level 4

Beiträge: 347

11.10.2006 17:40
#2 RE: Gespräch mit John (Echtheit fraglich) Antworten

kann es einer übersetzen?

Wir Leben in ein total abgefuckten Welt.
Also hab dein Spass und mach das beste Draus!

americanalien Offline

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Beiträge: 5.011

11.10.2006 18:01
#3 RE: Gespräch mit John (Echtheit fraglich) Antworten

bin zu faul xD
na endlich aml wieder was gutes
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Mark Offline

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Beiträge: 4.043

11.10.2006 20:54
#4 RE: Gespräch mit John (Echtheit fraglich) Antworten

toll mit denen labert john aber bei mir öffnet er erst das fenster und macht es sofort wieder zu xD

americanalien Offline

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Beiträge: 5.011

11.10.2006 20:58
#5 RE: Gespräch mit John (Echtheit fraglich) Antworten

schreib in mal mit bizkit live an
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fred15 Offline

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Beiträge: 685

13.10.2006 14:18
#6 RE: Gespräch mit John (Echtheit fraglich) Antworten
ich hab auch shcon n paar mal mit ihm geschrieben
und es stimmt alles was da drin hat mir das am gleichen tag auch geschrieben
hab glaub ich auch ein pic davon gemacht
ich chef
du nix

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